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People Persona 

Nugget’s main target audience is moms who earn $75,000 or more per year. These moms have children with ages ranging from 1-10 and are called Millennial Moms. They are highly connected and enjoy sharing with friends and family the experiences they have with the products and services they purchased.

Allison is in her mid 30's; she is a well-established Financial Professional. She grew up during the transition between the analog and digital world. She is in the low end of the Millennial Mom demographic. She still remembers gathering around the table for dinner and wants her kids to spend less time online.

Jennifer is a young professional. She is the embodiment of the Millennial Mom persona. She lives online, manages multiple social networks and platforms at the same time.  She works from home and she is feeling like there’s no distinction between her work as a graphic designer and her work as a mom. She is looking to have more time for herself.

Another possible target audience are college students. These students need furniture that adjust to their lifestyles. They like to play video games, read, or just watch TV and because they live in apartments they don't have a lot of room and don't want to invest in high-end furniture since this is not really their house. Connor is a graduate student, he has enough disposable income to purchase this kind of product and he needs something in his shared apartment that reflects who he is. He is a fun and sociable person who likes to think he has found a balance between work and fun, but he is yet to find a place in his house that he can call his own.

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