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Gap Analysis

How is Nugget viewed in the greater “Playroom Furniture” category?


Nugget started in 2014 after a successful Kickstarter campaign. Even though the public’s initial reception was really good and they managed to reach their initial goal of $20,000 in one day, Nugget’s market share is still very small. Awareness of the product and brand are low among the target audience. Moreover, their website currently ranks #7,196,345 while Pottery Barn Kids’ site (one of their biggest competitors) ranks #21,479 and rising. Considering that the majority of the target market does their shopping online, the difference between the two sites is a clear indicator of where Nugget stands in comparison to its competitors.

How are moms searching for Playroom Furniture?


Research indicates that 84% of mobile mothers plan to conduct mobile commerce in the next 12 months.

Moreover, when searching for furniture for their kids, Moms look for:

  • Furniture that fits a theme: A child's bedroom theme could be as simple as his or her favorite colors or as specific as a favorite cartoon character.

  • Furniture that mix colors for a vibrant palette: They look for pieces of furniture that have several colors; kids love to see them all in their rooms. For example, storage shelves with bins in every color of the rainbow would be perfect in a young child's room.

  • Mix fun pieces with more practical items:  They hope that some of the furniture will last until their child leaves for college,  and therefore they try mixing fun pieces with more grown-up items. For example, they would use a more traditional bed but get a small desk that is painted in a playful design. The child may outgrow the desk, but he or she may sleep in that bed when they come back to visit for decades after they grow up.

What makes Nugget unique?


The core values upon which the Nugget was built on are what make this brand unique. Nugget is not a brand that is trying to get into the shouting match that is online advertising through social platforms. They want to change the game and become a real-life social platform where moms, kids and dads can have fun as a family.

They are driven by the concept of Easiness. It’s easy to get it, It’s easy to set it up and It’s easy to enjoy it. The Nugget, just like life, doesn’t come with an instruction manual. It’s up to the families to make whatever they want out of it.

What are some gaps/limitations with Nugget?


One of the main problems that Nugget is facing is how to reach the target audience. Also, Nugget is a very small company, only three people manage everything, and the amount of time that it would require to create the online presence needed to attract those Millennial Moms would take away time from the things they need to do to keep the company running. While one of their main competitors, Pottery Barn Kids, currently has almost 500 employees.

Another problem is the lack of a space for potential customers to experience the product. Either a physical space where kids and their parents have the chance to try out the Nugget, or even an online space with reviews and comments from current owners.

What wants/needs does Nugget have that other brands do not?


Nugget offers a product that is edgy, non-conformist and has a potential for customization that very few products in the category have. Potential customers that are seeking to be trendsetters among their friends could find in Nugget that next “it” thing.

Moreover, it doesn’t add to the already stressed-filled life Moms are living, on the contrary, it provides them with an easy and hassle-free way to transform their kids’ playroom into a fun, creative and stimulating space.

Gap Analysis

The gap reflects the area between where Nugget aims to be (indicated by the dashed line), and where they currently are (indicated by the solid line). To narrow the gap and reach their goals, Nugget aims to increase the awareness segment within the customer decision journey, and in turn drive sales. Gaps would include anything that may prevent a mother from wanting to purchase a Nugget that is a direct result of Nugget itself. One of the main gaps for Nugget is the overall limitation of its decision focus around only one product to sell. 

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