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Campaign Budget

Paid Media


- Targeted ads on Facebook for women in North Carolina ages 30-35 who have shown interest in home decor and activities for kids. Cost-per-Conversion (Website visits): $1000

- Targeted ads on Pinterest for women in North Carolina ages 30-35 who have shown interest in home decor and activities for kids. Cost-per-Conversion (Website visits): $1000

- Promoted tweets about Nugget posted prior to each movie theater event targeting women in North Carolina ages 30-35 who follow influencial moms: $1500

- Native advertisement on websites most visited by millennial moms through Outbrain: $1000

-Promotional media and campaign expenses: $4,500



Owned Media


- Website SEO optimization: $600

- Develop Forum and activities page with content about things to do with the Nugget: $500

- Promotional Facebook and Twitter posts in advance to each Movie event: $400

- Promotional Video detailing what happened in the Movie Events: $2000

- Banners with logos of Event sponsors: $500

- Brochures to hand out at the event with social media handles and website address: $1000









Earned Media


- User generated videos under the #HowDoYouNugget campaign

- Facebook likes on pictures taken at the Movie events

- Facebook shares of the pictures taken at the Movie events

- Retweets of the promotional event tweets

- Online reviews of the Nugget on the Nugget Website

- Local and State media coverage of the movie Events "A local company is changing the way families enjoy a night out"

- Mentions on the Movie Theaters timelines about the upcoming events

- Pictures of the Nugget on the Daycare center Facebook page






Campaign related expenses


- 10 Nuggets for Day Care centers: $1500

- 6 Oversized Nuggets: $1500

- 180 Nuggets (30 per movie theater in each of the major NC cities) for the Movie event: $ 27000

- 6 #HowDoYouNugget Real size Instagram Frames: $ 300


$ 30,300

Expected Revenue from Sponsorship


- 100 Corporate "Special Nugget": $20000

- Banner placement: $1000

- Brand placement in the promotional video: $ 5000




$ 26,000

Budget Breakdown (Without Sponsorship)

Paid Media

Owned Media

Earned Media

Event related Expenses & Promotional Media:

  • 10 Nuggets for Day Care centers

  • 3 Oversize Nuggets

  • 18 Nuggets (3 per movie theater)

  • 6 Instagram Frames

  • Promotional paid media



- $1, 000








Total: $14,000

Budget Breakdown (With Sponsorship)

Paid Media

Owned Media

Earned Media

Event related Expenses

Revenue from Sponsorship



- $1, 000


- $26,000

Total: $14,800

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