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Research showed us that Millennial Moms are one of the most influential market segments and yet one of the most overlooked and misunderstood segments. At a glance, the Nugget provides them with many of the things they look for in a product, but in order to stay relevant and avoid wasting resources, the Nugget should look to embrace the groundswell. Nobody knows better what Moms want than Moms. One of the main limitations is the lack of direct communication with the audience to see what their needs are.

Another limitation could be narrowing the target market to just Moms. Because of the versatility, ease and practical indestructibility of the Nugget, it would make a great addition to any campus dorm or college student house.

The third, and main limitation would be human resources. Nugget is a start-up company and as such is currently operated by three people. Good marketing campaigns require attention and time. The Nugget team should consider hiring a full-time marketing director/assistant.

What to avoid


Avoid wasting time in social networks your target segment is not present. Social network management is a full-time job and if done right it can bring a lot of good business, but if done wrong, it can look sloppy and harm your brand. Focus on doing excellent in just the main two social networks for your segment: Facebook and Pinterest.

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